i'm also having a strange problem. i am also using the tutorial. i got frustrated when it didn't work, then recreated my movie step by step.
rebuilt the file with all layers on frame 2. frame 1 is blank except for the dynamic text/preloader code in the actions layer.
everything tested fine.
later, as i built the movie out (to about frame 500), the preloader counter stopped working*.
*i just figured out the counter issue: under properties panel (with a movie clip selected), under the 'export for actionscript' the option to 'export in frame 1' selected, disables the visual counter in my preloader.
another preloader problemwhat's the code in frame 1?
another preloader problemthanks for the quick response. here's the *code:
loaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, updatePreloader);
function updatePreloader(evtObj:ProgressEvent):void
//container for the progress of the site (download)
var percent:Number = Math.floor((evtObj.bytesLoaded*100)/evtObj.bytesTotal);
preloader_txt.text = percent+''%'';
if (percent==100) {
*code is from the tutorial
when loading is complete you're directing the play head to the next frame (2) and stopping it.?if you want the playhead to advance to the next frame and play use:
loaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, updatePreloader);
function updatePreloader(evtObj:ProgressEvent):void
//container for the progress of the site (download)
var percent:Number = Math.floor((evtObj.bytesLoaded*100)/evtObj.bytesTotal);
preloader_txt.text = percent+''%'';
if (percent==100) {
thanks. this worked.
you're welcome.
if you're able, please mark this thread as answered.
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