Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I get stuck on the dumbest things.

ok, before i begin, a little rant.

i can't help but think that the problem i came across today is entirely unneccessary. the crux of the issue is a lack of communication between skins and their host components. but what's that? you say the issue has been solved by the newest and greatest spark classes? yes, that's true, the spark classes are pretty cool and i like the way adobe has revisioned how we skin things. unfortunately, mx dinosaur components still roam gumbo and will probably feature in many flash programs to come (like this one). I hope the adobe gods are listening and i beg that they see it as their mission to replace all remaining mx classes because this current s/mx hodgepodge is RIDICULOUS!! ;-)

anyway, moving on...

today i got stuck on skinning the mx:LinkButton. I thought this was the best component to work with and the only additional requirement i had was to place horizontal bars on either side of the label with each bar extending flush to the walls of the container (i think you'll see exactly what i mean if you compile the code below).

the strategy was to change the linkbutton skin to have two additional bars of varying width (the width would have to vary depending on the width of the label.text). this would have been easy with something like s:linkButton because then the skin class would have had access to the hostComponent; as it was the hostComponent property was always NULL for the mx:linkButton object.

I thought I came up with a brilliant workaround by using a static variable in the skin class which could be used to set the bar lengths, but my solution fell flat on its face. The initial (or final) bar length did initialize properly, but each additional linkButton kept using the initial (or final) bar length setting. I don't know exactly why this is, I was hoping that once the linkButtons were created the static variable would lose its effect.

here's the code:

------------------------ application - example.mxml --------------------------

%26lt;?xml version=''1.0'' encoding=''utf-8''?%26gt;






minHeight=''200'' minWidth=''500''

backgroundColor=''white'' %26gt;

%26lt;mx:Canvas backgroundColor=''black'' alpha=''.7'' color=''white'' height=''100%''%26gt;

?%26lt;s:Group height=''100%'' width=''350''%26gt;

%26lt;s:VGroup id=''loginLinks'' width=''100%'' bottom=''0''%26gt;

?%26lt;comp:MenuLinkBar label=''a bc de fg'' width=''100%'' /%26gt;

?%26lt;comp:MenuLinkBar label=''hi jk lm nop qrs tuv w'' width=''100%'' /%26gt;

?%26lt;comp:MenuLinkBar label=''xyz'' width=''100%'' /%26gt;





-------------------------- /comp/MenuLinkBar.mxml ------------------------------------

%26lt;?xml version=''1.0'' encoding=''utf-8''?%26gt;

%26lt;mx:LinkButton xmlns:fx=''http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009''







import skins.MenuLinkBarSkin;

private function init():void {

// find the length in pixels of the label

var lineMetrics:TextLineMetrics = measureText(this.label);

// variable that are dependant on our menu system

var offset:int = 25; // accounts for the wall spacings

var padding:int = 10; // for a little extra padding btw label and line

// set the widths of the bar lines by setting the static variable of our skin class.

MenuLinkBarSkin.barLineWidths = (this.width - 2*offset - 2*padding - lineMetrics.width ) / 2;





---------------------------- /skins/MenuLinkBarSkin.mxml ---------------------------------------------

%26lt;?xml version=''1.0'' encoding=''utf-8''?%26gt;

%26lt;s:Skin xmlns:fx=''http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009''


minWidth=''21'' minHeight=''21''







[Bindable] static public var barLineWidths:int = 0;



?%26lt;!-- states --%26gt;


?%26lt;s:State name=''up'' stateGroups=''upStates''/%26gt;

?%26lt;s:State name=''over'' stateGroups=''overStates''/%26gt;

?%26lt;s:State name=''down'' stateGroups=''downStates'' /%26gt;

?%26lt;s:State name=''disabled'' stateGroups=''disabledStates''/%26gt;

?%26lt;s:State name=''selectedUp'' stateGroups=''upStates''/%26gt;

?%26lt;s:State name=''selectedOver'' stateGroups=''overStates''/%26gt;

?%26lt;s:State name=''selectedDown'' stateGroups=''downStates''/%26gt;

?%26lt;s:State name=''selectedDisabled'' stateGroups=''disabledStates''/%26gt;


?%26lt;!-- layer 1: fill --%26gt;

?%26lt;s:Rect left=''0'' right=''0'' top=''0'' bottom=''0'' excludeFrom=''upStates,disabledStates'' %26gt;


?%26lt;s:SolidColor color.overStates=''0xCEDBEF'' color.downStates=''0xA8C6EE'' alpha=''1'' /%26gt;



?%26lt;!-- layer 2: fill --%26gt;

?%26lt;s:Rect left=''25'' width=''{barLineWidths}'' verticalCenter=''0'' height=''1.2''%26gt;


?%26lt;s:SolidColor color=''0x000000'' color.upStates=''0xffffff'' alpha=''1'' /%26gt;



?%26lt;!-- layer 3: fill --%26gt;

?%26lt;s:Rect right=''25'' width=''{barLineWidths}'' verticalCenter=''0'' height=''1.2''%26gt;


?%26lt;s:SolidColor color=''0x000000'' color.upStates=''0xffffff'' alpha=''1'' /%26gt;




-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------

that's it. any comments constructive or otherwise, would love to hear it. thanx,

- e

Illustrator CS4 doesnt detect Intel proc


I have a new imac 2.8GHz C2D machine.. I installed the CS4 design premium upgrade.. While i didnt have the previous product installed, i did enter my CS1 serial and that enabled me to continue the install.

What i was noticing was that the illustrator component was VERY slow.?When i look under the illustrator-%26gt;help-%26gt;system info section, it shows me :


Version: 41.92

System Architecture: PowerPC

Built-In Memory: 2047 MB

Yet my machine has C2D with 4GB of ram.

Anyone know why its doing this?

I did the same thing under the photoshop component and it showed the right proc.



Lightroom Startup Problem


I had a trial version of Lightroom 2 that expired so I bought the software %26amp; typed in the serial number but whenever I quit LR2, it again asks for the serial number, then it would start again this process kept repeating. I already deleted prefs, uninstalled %26amp; reinstalled software.

Help please.

Lightroom Startup Problem

Are you running v 2.4? If not please install. If still no luck with reg. not sticking, post O/S. I can tell you where it is on Mac, but not Windows.

Lightroom Startup Problem

When I installed 2.4, after typing in the serial number %26amp; clicking 'Finish', the whole thing just disappears. I am running Snow Leopard. Any suggestions?

I, too, am having this problem on my Mac Pro. I am using Snow Leopard but the problem has persisted from Leopard. I had the demo installed,bought Lightroom 2.0, installed the upgrades to 2.4, I could never get past the registration screen.I went to the Adobe website and registered Lightroom there.

I just downloaded 2.5, and lo and behold, I finally got Lightroom open! However, if I close the program, I am asked for my serial number again. As the program is already registered, I cannot do so again. I have uninstalled all prior versions of Lightroom, ran privileges and looked for any leftover bits of earlier installs (must be missing some).

If I install the serial, the program seems to work fine until I switch catalogs, and the program tries to restart. I am then promted to re-enter the serial number data, and the program works fine. I have had this startup problem with Lightroom for over a year. I got tired of trying to fix it and research it, so I got Apereture and had no problems.

I really would like to use Lightroom and keep things Adobe, if possible. I use Aperture because I have created all of my online stuff using MobilMe , and I like being able to make books with Apple.

So, I wold like to know, what do I have to do to get Lightroom 2.5 to work without asking me for my serial number at startup?

If there is anything else you need to know please ask.


For the registration problem on Macs, I found that deleting the registration file and reentering the info is quicker and better than trying to edit it. The file is on this path: Library/Application Support/Adobe/Lightroom/Lightroom 2 Registration file.

Note it's not your User library, but the general one.

Hope that does it for you both.

Can I see the entire folder structure...

When I view folders, if there are no photos in an upper level of the folder, it is not shown.?Can I change the view to see the complete folder structure regardless if there are any images higher up or not?

Can I see the entire folder structure...

Yes, right click on the existing top folder and choose Add Parent Folder. You can repeat this process until the full hierarchy is shown.

Can I see the entire folder structure...

Yes, you sure can. In Library, top menu, Library heading, -%26gt; Show sub folders.

You can also select the entire contents of a folder and drag them into the parent folder and then delete the newly empty sub. I do that a fair amount.

thank you that works great.?My follow-up question is if/how can I select images that are in a specific folder without selecting any images in folders inside/below that folder?

Just unchoose to show sub folders.

  • red lipstick
  • Creating a 'timer' with a movie clip


    I have created a movie clip consisting of about 27 dots named 'timer', I double clicked on 'timer' and animated it (making one dot disspaer every 15 seconds). My problem is that at the end of this animation I want it to go back and play a frame on the outside scene.

    i.e. from the 'timer' editing scene (the one you get to when you double click) I want it to gotoAndPlay (103, ''Game'') - The scene the movie cliip is in.

    I keep getting an error saying that it cannot locate Scene Game.

    I can see why this is happeining but I don't know how to fix it and still get it to work.

    I hope this makes sense.


    Creating a 'timer' with a movie clip

    I don't know for sure if I'm reading it right, but if you are trying to use gotoAndPlay(frame, scene) from within the timeline of some movieclip, then you need to target that line of code at the main timeline which is where scenes exist.?Something like Movieclip(this.root).gotoandPlay(frame,scene); might be more correctly targeting what you want.?I am also suspscious that what you are calling scenes may not be scenes, so you may not even be needing the scene argument... but that's a stretch of my uncertainty.

    [svn:fx-trunk] 10071: More styling bug...

    Revision: 10071

    Author: gruehle@adobe.com

    Date: 2009-09-08 15:30:13 -0700 (Tue, 08 Sep 2009)

    Log Message:


    More styling bug fixes.

    QE notes: None

    Doc notes: None

    Bugs: SDK-23079, SDK-23080, SDK-23090

    Reviewer: Jason

    Tests run: checkintests

    Is noteworthy for integration: no

    Ticket Links:





    Modified Paths:



    flex/sdk/trunk/frameworks/projects/framework/src/mx/graphics/RectangularDropSha dow.as


    flex/sdk/trunk/frameworks/projects/sparkskins/src/mx/skins/spark/BorderSkin.mxm l

    Problems with hitTestPoint

    Hey Guys,

    I am pretty new AS3 and I am having two problems with hitTestPoint. I am making a game and I am having problems checking for hits. My first problem is when using if (sam.hitTestPoint(_bullets[i].x, _bullets[i].y, true))it only works on the first object spawned from the array. The second problem that I am having is when using if (player.hitTestPoint(robot2.x, robot2.y, true)); nothing happens it is supposed to take off a certain percent of my characters health bar. I am getting no errors with these they are just not working.

    Here is my code:

    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import flash.events.Event;
    import Robot_Follow;

    public class Main_SpaceShooter extends MovieClip
    ?//Arrays to store the player's and enemy's bullets
    ?private var _bullets:Array;
    ?private var _playerScore:uint;
    ?private var _robotScore:uint;
    ?public var bill:Robot_Follow;
    ?public var sam:Robot_Follow;
    ?//public var robot3:Robot_Follow;

    ?public function Main_SpaceShooter()
    //Initialize _bullets arrays
    _bullets = new Array();
    _bullets = [];

    //Initialize player and enemy scores
    _playerScore = 0;
    _robotScore = 0;

    //Add an onEnterFrame event listener

    //Add listeners to listen for the bullets' evbents
    stage.addEventListener(''bulletCreated'', onBulletCreated);

    for (var i:Number = 0; i %26lt; 2; i++)
    sam=new Robot_Follow()
    sam.x =(Math.random()*400);
    sam.y =(Math.random()*800);


    ?private function playerHit(event:Event)
    if (player.hitTestPoint(robot2.x, robot2.y, true));
    ?meter.width -= 10;

    ?private function onBulletCreated(event:Event)
    //Add new bullet to the _bullets array
    ?private function onEnterFrame(event:Event):void
    bulletDisplay.text = ''Bullets on the stage: '' + String(_bullets.length);
    //Bullet collisions with objects
    for (var i:int = 0; i %26lt; _bullets.length; i++)
    ?switch (_bullets[i].bulletType)
    case ''circle'' :

    ?//Check for a collision with the player
    ?if (player.hitTestPoint(_bullets[i].x,_bullets[i].y,true))
    //Remove the bullet from the stage

    //Remove bullet from array

    //meter.width -=10;

    //Subtract 1 from the counter to compensate
    //for the removed element

    //Update the robot's score

    //Update the robot's score display on the stage
    robotScoreDisplay.text = String(_robotScore);

    case ''star'' :

    //Check for a collision with the robot
    if (sam.hitTestPoint(_bullets[i].x, _bullets[i].y, true))
    //Remove the bullet from the stage

    //////?//Remove bullet from array
    _bullets.splice(i, 1);
    //////?//Subtract 1 from the counter to compensate
    //////?//for the removed element
    //////?//Update the enemy's score
    sam.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, sam.onEnterFrame);
    ////// //Update the player's score display on the stage
    playerScoreDisplay.text = String(_playerScore);
    ?//Bullet stage Boundaries:
    ?for (var j:int = 0; j %26lt; _bullets.length; j++)
    if (_bullets[j].y + _bullets[j].height / 2 %26lt; 0)
    ?_bullets.splice(j, 1);
    else if (_bullets[j].y - _bullets[j].height / 2 %26gt; stage.stageHeight)
    ?_bullets.splice(j, 1);
    else if (_bullets[j].x + _bullets[j].width / 2 %26lt; 0)
    ?_bullets.splice(j, 1);
    else if (_bullets[j].x - _bullets[j].width / 2 %26gt; stage.stageWidth)
    ?_bullets.splice(j, 1);

    Thanks Guys!

    Problems with hitTestPoint

    I did not think it through but, at a first glance, I think one of the issues could be that you splice array inside the loop (_bullets.splice(i,1);) so the length of the array becomes different and increments i are confused. I think you need to splice the array at the end of the loop.

    Problems with hitTestPoint

    Hey Andre1,

    Thanks for offering some help. But I made the changes you suggested but I am still having the same problem. Is there any other help you can provide it would be much appreciated.

    Thanks again!

    Premiere CS4 on a Mac

    I have been using Premiere pro CS4 on a PC for about 12 months. I always shoot on HDV and capture through firewire in to premiere. This is easy because i have a HDV 1440x1080i sequence preset. This is in a HDV folder in sequence presets. I recently purchased a Macbook Pro with firewire 800. When i installed a trial version of Premiere CS4 on the Mac i found that in do not have a HDV sequence preset. I only have presets for SD, DVCPRO, AVCH and other presets for mobile devices,?But no HDV presets. Can anyone tel me how i capture HDV (1440x1080i, PAL) on a MacBook Pro?

    I would really like to move my editing to My MacBook as it is much more stable than PC based editor.

    Premiere CS4 on a Mac

    Get the full version. As is spelled out on the Adobe site, the trial does not support anything MPEG.

    Premiere CS4 on a Mac

    Arh yes i see that now. Thanks.

    I would really like to move my editing to My MacBook as it is much more stable than PC based editor.

    Things run pretty well for me under Windows 7.

    I bought Premiere as part of the production premium thinking I was getting something decent for the mac. Wow, was I wrong. NO HD QT export. I mean ZERO. I dont know what the point of capturing HD is, if I cant transfer it. NO preview during capture, something even iMovie does. A pathetic number of transitions, like about 33% of the number of the PC version. Mind-boggling file management system that doesnt isolate individual projects, but throws everythig into a pile you have to sort through (and then redirect in the software) As far as I'm concerned the program is totally unusable in HD, though it doesnt crash, and I have used it to cut some SD footage. It does that. For HD - forget it. Its a disaster.

    There does seem to be a dearth of both Transitions and Effects on the Mac-side of things. To date, I have not seen any reason offered for this. It puzzles me greatly, and I'm on PC.

    As for other Mac-specific issues, as I mentioned in another thread, it seems that Snow Leopard has not been a good OS. Apples is supposed to be working on an update. Maybe it will fix issues. Also, Adobe is working to release CS4.2, so there might be some good news there too.

    For our Mac-brothers, here's hoping!



    Let me try to help you out here.

    Antinet wrote:

    I bought Premiere as part of the production premium thinking I was getting something decent for the mac. Wow, was I wrong. NO HD QT export. I mean ZERO.


    Thanks. We PC-guys try to help, but are at a real disadvantage. We have PrPro 1 - 2, that was PC-only, but that does not help the Mac-folk much, as of CS3, and now CS4.



    Flex and Webservices

    Good morning!

    I have written a WSDL that soapClient.com reads ok. My problem is, Flex doesn't, and complains that there is no operation. What am I doing wrong?

    Is there a peculiarity in Flex's interpretation of WSDL?

    Thanks in advance for any idea !

    Flex and Webservices


    pls look at the links below,hope they will help you.

    http://shardulbartwal.wordpress.com/2008/06/12/using-multiple-methods-of-a-webse rvice/

    http://shardulbartwal.wordpress.com/2008/03/20/import-web-servicewsdl-wizard-in- flex-30/

    Let me know if you have any issue.

    with Regards,

    Shardul Singh Bartwal

    Flex and Webservices

    You have to mention Web Method name to be called of the web service.


    I have created WebService Obj ''ws'' at flex end

    I have web method ''CallDummyData'' at server side

    then syntax would be:

    var ws:WebService = new WebService();



    If you want to pass parameters to web method then you can pass it using:

    -- String --


    -- Object --

    var objVal:Object = new Object();

    objVal.name = ''MyName'';



    If you are getting web method name dynamically then syntax should be:

    var _wsGeneralMethod:String = ''CallDummyData'' // Could be retrieved from server at run time



    I guess this would help to resolve you problem. let me know if you need more details.

    If this helps you then please mark it as answered.

    Best Regards,


    Thanks for your answers, but they aren't solving my problem.

    The programmatic method using webservice class is according to forums not to be used anymore, and I wish to use the built-in?facility. My problem being that this fails, as you could check by trying http://datacollection.atim.com/ATIM_DATACOLLECTION/ATIM_DATACOLLECTION_SERVICE.w sdl (if it IS up... which is not always the case, that's why I included that file as TXT in my first message).

    I can't figure out why soap.com would work, as well as soapUI... but not flex.

    If anybody has some more pointers, I'd be delighted to try again

    RoboHTML will not compile with...

    Software: RoboHelp HTML

    Version: as part of Technical Communication Suite)

    I have a project that will not compile WebHelp if I use a conditional build expression.

    The project compiles fine if I do not use a conditional build tag expression.

    If I try to use a conditional build tag expression (even as simple as NOTDraft), the compile stops as soon as it reaches the Updating Files step.

    Once it stops, I have to restart RoboHelp.

    I am able to compile other projects.

    This project contains many topics that are imported from Word documents.

    Ironically, I fought hard to get this company to purchase RoboHelp and convinced them it was a rock-solid tool. Now, my primary project will not compile as expected, so I am in hot water.

    In the days that I have waited for a response from Adobe Support that said, basically - open up a discussion in this forum, I eliminated any topics that looked strange to me. (We had a few documents that used number headings, and the results in Search and Index were not acceptable.) Still will not compile with a conditional build expression.

    I've also deleted all my conditional tags, and created a new one. Still will not compile.

    Without being able to use Conditional Builds on this project, I cannot single source. I've resorted to creating duplicate projects and cutting out the topics - which is a recipe for disaster.

    Any assistance deeply appreciated.

    RoboHTML will not compile with...

    After importing from Word, there can be tags that cause problems but usually only with printed documentation. Might be worth search for them though.

    These will be found in the head section.

    %26lt;meta name=Originator content=ImportDoc%26gt;
    %26lt;meta name=OriginalFile content=Working_Copy_2008_Procedures.doc%26gt;

    This one will be found in the body.

    %26lt;p style=''mso-bookmark: REQ_Requisitions_Link_Menu;''%26gt;

    Have you tried one of the sample projects to establish it is your project rather than the installation?

    See www.grainge.org for RoboHelp and Authoring tips

    RoboHTML will not compile with...

    Thanks - I will search for these tags. (It appears to be only this project.

    If I create a new one, I can use conditional tags with no problems.)

    This is a pretty large project, so it may take some time to wipe all this

    out. I will let you know.

    Thank you again.

    Post back if that is not it.

    See www.grainge.org for RoboHelp and Authoring tips

    Is there a fast way to find those tags? I have about 300 topics in this



    Try the built in Multi File Find and Replace tool or use BKReplaceEm or FAR which you can find on this page. http://www.grainge.org/pages/authoring/links/links.htm

    Search on part of the string to get a list of affected topics, if any.

    See www.grainge.org for RoboHelp and Authoring tips

  • red lipstick
  • Need to ''black'' a diagonal corner of a...

    Arrgh!?I was doing a very close quarters 2-cameral shoot, and I caught part of camera B in the frame.?I'd like to black out a corner of the frame, but I can't seem to find out how to do this in the Premiere instructions.?Is there a way to do this without Adobe After Affects?

    Need to ''black'' a diagonal corner of a...

    Create a black clip and then move it.

    Need to ''black'' a diagonal corner of a...

    Or use a matte.

    Haha! - I knew it would be easy - it just escaped me.

    Along the same lines, you can create various necessary shapes in Tilter and animate them to follow that camera.

    Good luck,


    [svn:fx-trunk] 10068: Add ASDoc example...

    Revision: 10068

    Author: jacobg@adobe.com

    Date: 2009-09-08 14:41:09 -0700 (Tue, 08 Sep 2009)

    Log Message:


    Add ASDoc example for Spark Border

    Added Paths:


    flex/sdk/trunk/frameworks/projects/spark/asdoc/en_US/spark/components/examples/ BorderExample.mxml

    Multiple topics using the same map ID


    Can anyone tell me how I go about assigning a map ID number when numerous topics use the same screen??When I try to do it in the Map ID dialog box, it tells me the number is already assigned.

    BTW, does anyone know of any documentation that helps in creating map IDs?.?Most of the information I've found here on the forum addresses how to work with the developer to make sure they work, not for the tech writer to learn how to actually do the map ID'ing so you know you are doing it correctly.?Both books I have on RoboHelp do not discuss this in any length.


    Multiple topics using the same map ID

    You can't assign multiple topics to the one map id, as how would the app know which topic to display?

    It might be possible, depending on the application, that developers could write custom code that displays a pop-up so users could choose which topic to display, but that is not how the default MS context help is designed, and RH has been designed to work with the MS method. Additionally, the user might not initially know which is the correct topic to select.

    What we do is have a single overview topic that contains links and brief descriptions of the other applicable topics. We link the map id to this topic and then the user can choose the appropriate topic, hopefully after reading about the available options.

    Additionally, for dialog boxes with multiple tabs, the developers can assign a different map id to each tab, so that each tab can have its own topic.



    Multiple topics using the same map ID


    We cannot provide the same map ID or file name to multiple topics.

    In situations where in within a single UI you have multiple tabs, and you wish to create separate help topics for each of these tabs,you can check with the developers and identify if they have created any unique ID for these tabs. If available you can use the same ID as the file name for each of the tabs in Robohelp.( Topic Properties %26gt; File Name)

    If not available, you can create unique map IDs / file name for each of the tabs and share the same with the developers. Developers can use the IDs provided to identify the UI/tabs. On clicking the help file from a particular tab will now invoke only the corresponding help file with the mapped ID similar to the UI/Tab ID.



    Thanks for your input.?We are deploying the application in 4 weeks so I don't have time to do any reorganizing or re-writing to meet the deadline.?I keep thinking, surely I'm not the only writer who is documenting an application where the same screen is used for multiple tasks.?Isn't there a simpler way to do this, or does RoboHelp have this limitation and there's no way around it?

    Unfortunately, the developers aren't terribly familiar with this whole process, so asking them to help with a solution isn't my best option.


    when numerous topics use the same screen

    Thanks for the response, Peter.?Yes, it is a situation where one screen in the application is used in several topics.?For example, to complete three different endorsements on an insurance policy, they all use the same screen.?Of course, there are different instructions on how to use that screen for each type of endorsement.

    Does that make sense?

    But I think you're probably right in that I will have to put links in those topics to the one with the map ID even though that task is not the task they are completing.

    Maggie Prince

    Senior Technical Writer

    The Cincinnati Insurance Companies

    513-870-2000 ext 6112

    ''It's never too late to be who you might have been.''

    George Eliot

    Confidentiality notice: The information included in this e-mail, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient and may contain information that is confidential and protected. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure, distribution or similar action is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and delete all copies of the original message immediately.

    Message was edited by Peter Grainge to remove the email address. Never put your email address on any forum unless you fear missing emails advising you that there is a large amount of money in a Nigerian bank account which is yours to share in return for your bank account details.

    Let me reword that. One screen can need to call one of several topics.

    So this screen always has the same fields regardless of which endorsement is being completed?

    • If Yes, then why can't you have one topic.
    • If No, then the developers are making some change to the screen each time they call it. Can they not call a different topic in each case.

    Sorry but unless you are happy to go with the earlier suggestion, more information is needed.

    See www.grainge.org for RoboHelp and Authoring tips


    I guess I can combine several topics into a general topic like ''Issue Endorsements.''?That's obviously not my preference, but given the limitations of RH, that looks like the simplest way to go.

    As always, thanks for your help.

    Maggie Prince

    Senior Technical Writer

    The Cincinnati Insurance Companies

    513-870-2000 ext 6112

    ''It's never too late to be who you might have been.''

    George Eliot

    Confidentiality notice: The information included in this e-mail, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient and may contain information that is confidential and protected. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure, distribution or similar action is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and delete all copies of the original message immediately.

    Obviously you do want to learn about large amount of money that can be shared with you. (See my edit to one of your earlier posts)

    I cannot see this as a limitation of RH. The developers have created one screen. Either they can set things up so that they can call one of three IDs in which case you don't have a problem OR they can only call one map ID in which case the problem is caused by that. If you create three topics to serve one screen, what is it you expect RH to do to overcome this problem?

    It sounds like you haven't appreciated my point that it is screens that use topics, not topics that use screens.

    I'm not trying to be awkward. I really do not see how this is a RH problem. Please enlighten me.

    See www.grainge.org for RoboHelp and Authoring tips

    Sorry Peter. I did not mean to offend you.

    Unfortunately, I'm still a newbie with this, and as the single technical writer, I don't really have anyone on site to go to for answers. I thought I had read in a forum post or somewhere else that you could assign the same ID to several topics, so when I was planning in my mind how to do this, I just assumed I could do it. Hence, the frustration though self-inflicted...

    But I understand what you said about screens that use topics, not the other way around. I'll consider this a learning experience and know in the future that I need to structure my RH projects differently.

    And yes, I continue to forget to delete my info. It's not that I am ignoring your advice, but rather that I'm 57 (memory's not always great) and when I post to this, I'm usually desperate for advice!


    No offence was taken and I'd like to be 57 again.

    Just drop back here next time you need a sounding board.

    See www.grainge.org for RoboHelp and Authoring tips

    Form Distribution Issue

    Adobe Nation,

    My team is having a problem distributing a form with the proper return settings.?I created a PDF form file and then sent it to my colleague to complete the design of the form. He wants to distribute the form to a set of users and have the users return the form to him by email.?Even though he has populated the Email Submit Button object properties with his email and a title for the email he chose, when he previews the form and clicks the email button it populates the To: field with my email address and a different email title.

    Is there somewhere else within the form's properties where a designer can set the return destination of a form that overrides the email and title specified in the email button properties?



    CFFLUSH and CFLOCATION don't work...

    I got a codes example from http://tutorial209.easycfm.com/ which is perfect for what I need. This little code is using cfflush to display ''please wait'' message.

    It worked perfectly when I applied this code to my action page BUT unfortunately after the action page is done processing, normally a cflocation is ran at the end of action page to show the report page.

    When I did not include this cfflush and the script, after finish processing my action page the cflocation called the report page but when I include cfflush and the script on my action page, cflocation is prevented from being called, so the process stop at the action page and I don't get to see my report page.

    Does cfflush for some reason preventing cflocation from running???

    Here is my code:

    %26lt;!--- I put cfflush code on TOP of my action.cfm page---%26gt;

    ?%26lt;cfflush interval=''1''%26gt;
    ?%26lt;!--- show the message saying there will be a delay ---%26gt;
    ?%26lt;p id=''wait'' style=''color:red; background-color: #CCCCCC; width: 200px; height: 50px;''%26gt;Please wait while the data is processing.%26lt;/p%26gt;


    ?%26lt;cfinclude is working in here%26gt;



    %26lt;!--- some codes here ----%26gt;?


    ?%26lt;!--- some more codes and queries here ----%26gt;


    %26lt;!--- some more codes and some more queries here ----%26gt;


    ?%26lt;!--- This script goes with CFFLUSH ---%26gt;


    if (document.getElementById) {






    %26lt;!--- This cflocation is not run once the process is done BUT it is ran when I took out the cfflush and script ---%26gt;

    %26lt;cflocation url=''showreport.cfm?y=#lyear#%26amp;fn=#reportname#''%26gt;

    Does anyone know why my cflocation doesn't get call when I include cfflush and the script????

    CFFLUSH and CFLOCATION don't work...

    Yes %26lt;cflocation...%26gt; is one of the tags that does not work with a %26lt;cfflush...%26gt;

    %26lt;cfflush...%26gt; starts sending a response to the client piece by piece.

    %26lt;cflocation...%26gt; works by sending a 302 redirect header to the client.

    Once the client has started processing the parts sent by the flush it is too late for the client to respond to a header.

    You would have to do this with a %26lt;meta ....%26gt; refresh if you would like similar functionality.

    CFFLUSH and CFLOCATION don't work...

    There are two more alternatives. First, if you know how long it takes the page to load, then you can redirect using Javascript, as follows

    %26lt;script type=''text/javascript''%26gt;
    /* redirect client in 5000 millisecs, that is, in 5 seconds */
    setTimeout('redirectClient()', 5000);
    function redirectClient() {

    Secondly, you may actually load the next page into the current one, as follows:

    %26lt;cfhttp method=''get'' url=''http://your_site/showreport.cfm?y=#lyear#%26amp;fn=#reportname#''%26gt;
    %26lt;!--- include content of next page ---%26gt;

    BKBK wrote:

    There are two more alternatives. First, if you know how long it takes the page to load, then you can redirect using Javascript, as follows

    %26lt;script type=''text/javascript''%26gt;
    /* redirect client in 5000 millisecs, that is, in 5 seconds */
    setTimeout('redirectClient()', 5000);
    function redirectClient() {

    You could do this without the timing issue.?Just put the window.location script into the body of the HTML page after the processing is done.?While usually ideal, JavaScript does not have to be in head section.

    I tested again your suggestion by putting the script below at the end of my code:




    Compared to the META refresh tag this script gives a much better timing between the message being displayed to users, the message disappear after code processing is done and the end result which is the report.

    very cool!!! Thanks guys!!

    I wished my ''please wait...'' message could also change to different messages while the process is still running, such as, please wait....calculating optimum settings....initializing report engine....determining build parameters.....accessing records....building report...

    But I guess I'm asking too much from you guys.


    You could deliver javascript content that changes the text of an element as you process the page.

    %26lt;p id=''message''%26gt;Starting the process%26lt;/p%26gt;


    %26lt;script%26gt;document.getElementById(''message'').innerHTML = ''Processing'';%26lt;/script%26gt;


    %26lt;script%26gt;document.getElementById(''message'').innerHTML = ''Calculating'';%26lt;/script%26gt;


    %26lt;script%26gt;document.getElementById(''message'').innerHTML = ''All most done'';%26lt;/script%26gt;


    %26lt;script%26gt;document.getElementById(''message'').innerHTML = ''I said we're almost there, do you want me to pull this program over, I will you know.'';%26lt;/script%26gt;

    But I don't know if I would bother.

    User control over Flex availability in...

    Hi all,

    New guy to this Flex development. Basic question, I hope.

    Comparing Flex to JavaScript, can the user selectively disable Flex in the browser? It would seem a lot of headaches with JavaScript is dealing with this configurable option (I've historically avoided client side scripting because of this concern). I would assume the plugin could be removed and/or disabled? If so, is there an ''agreed to'' response under such a condition?



    User control over Flex availability in...


    Well in the end a flex application ends up as a swf fie, the same as any other piece of flash content.?Therefore if the user does not have the flash pugin installed, or they have too old a version of the plugin (earlier than 9) then the flex app will not work.


    User control over Flex availability in...

    Hi Andrew,

    thanks for the quick response... so given this, I would guess that since there wouldn't be a viewer installed for the browser to handle the swf file, the user would be prompted to install it and if refused, would just fail to load.


    When you launch a flex app the html template that holds the swf has a place in it that says 'Flash player required download' and 'Place alternative HTML content here' if no player is detected.

    You can put alterative instrucation in here.

    There are a few ways and an offical Adobe kit around for detecting flash player versions, and most of these use javascript.

    The thing is I weigh it up when it comes to developing an app and Flex is my choice.?I like working on the flash platform.?I think the biggest bonus is that whatever you do in Flash / Flex its gonna work across all browsers on all platforms.?And now with AIR you can also deploy these as desktop apps across all platforms.

    My biggest niggle with javascript, css etc, was that different browser seem to treat bits differently.?I end up doing hacks ansd workarounds, and usually for the sake of getting it to work in I.E.

    Yea server side is your definite way rendering HTML to make sure everyone gets it.?However if your taking Rich Internet App, then thats not gonna provide the tools.?I;d say when it comes to client side code Flex is tops for me.?And one big thing is that Flash has been around for over 10 years and according to the stats installed on 98% on internet connected machines. Thats gotta be good.

    Thats just my opinion, but if your client side coding, its Flex for me.?

    Hey... thanks again.

    Well I'm becoming more and more sold on the advantages of using Flex. It simply makes more sense that removing the issues involved with having to code around browser scripting interpretation/support differences is just one more expense I'd rather not have to deal with.

    A company I'm interviewing with is looking to move to a GWT environment (from what I don't know) and I hope they haven't made their final decision on this yet.


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