Sunday, March 28, 2010

PSE 7 reconnect file bug?

I have copied the following from a 2008 message which appears to address my problem, but I cannot figure out how to get to the advised thread. I tried searching on the apparent title words, but the result was always this same message.


''If you reconnect a file and get the message %26lt;old file%26gt; was not connected to %26lt;new file%26gt; or The file already exists in the catalog, then youve stumbled over a PSE bug for which there are workarounds.   See this thread:%26lt;br /%26gt;%26lt;br /%26gt;%26lt;a href=''/webx?14@@.59b66777/5''%26gt;John Rolfe Ellis, ''Cannot Reconnect; File already exists'' #6, 17 Sep 2008 2:49 pm%26lt;/a%26gt;%26lt;br /%26gt;%26lt;br''

My husband put a new, larger hard drive into my computer and transferred all my files to the new one which is now the master C: drive. I have tried and tried to reconnect my files, individually and as a group, but I always receive the error message listed below in John Ellis's message. Has anything been done to correct this bug, if that's what it is? I cannot simply move everything back to the old F: drive, because now there are new photos mixed in and I've reorganized the folders. I can find the pictures manually, but can't get the program to accept my choices. I'm really beginning to regret spending the money to upgrade to PSE 7, especially as the program crashes or freezes up, too, but I'll deal with one problem at a time! BTW, I'm usiing Windows XP, service pack 3.

Thanks for any help possible.

PSE 7 reconnect file bug?

Since that message was posted, I've provided a utility ''psedbtool'' that will quickly diagnose a family of drive-related bugs in PSE 7:,_Installing,_and

Copy and paste the ouput here, and I should be able to suggest a workaround.

PSE 7 reconnect file bug?

Thank you very much for your help. Here is the printout:

psedbtool version 1.07

Opening catalog F:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application

Data\Adobe\Photoshop Elements\Catalogs\My Catalog\catalog.pse7db

Photoshop Elements version: 7

Total files %26amp;n bsp; : 5397

Total files missing : 5268

Total files offline : 0

Total files wrong volume : 0

            • Volumes with warnings: 1

PSE Volume Table

The output from ''psedbtool'' was truncated in your reply.  If you tried to reply by email, that doesn't always work with the new forum software -- you need to come back to the forum Web site to post replies reliably.

If this is what you received as my printout, that's all there is--just four


Kathy Crapo

psedbtool version 1.07

Opening catalog F:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application

Data\Adobe\Photoshop Elements\Catalogs\My Catalog\catalog.pse7db

Photoshop Elements version: 7

Total files %26amp;n bsp; : 5397

Total files missing : 5268

Total files offline : 0

Total files wrong volume : 0

            • Volumes with warnings: 1

PSE Volume Table


Hmm, the output is still truncated.  I've attached an example of what it should look like below -- after ''PSE Volume Table'' should be many lines.

1. Did you reply via email, or did you reply by coming back to the forum in your Web browser?  (You need to do the latter -- email replies don't always work.)

2. In the Notepad that ''psedbtool'' popped up with the contents of ''output.log'', is it possible that some of the output wasn't showing (scrolled out of view)?  Do Edit %26gt; Select All, Edit %26gt; Copy, and then paste.

Here's what it should look like:

psedbtool version 1.07
Opening catalog C:\Users\Ellis\Catalogs\PSE 7\Test\catalog.pse7db
Photoshop Elements version:      7
Total files               :      1
Total files missing       :      0
Total files offline       :      0
Total files wrong volume  :      0

PSE Volume Table
Path used by PSE        : \\elliskids2\john
Type                    : network_drive
Status                  : online
Total files             : 1
Total files missing     : 0
Total files wrong volume: 0
Description             : //elliskids2/john
Serial                  : //elliskids2/john
Drive_path_if_builtin   :
Id                      : 230

Path used by PSE        : C:
Type                    : builtin_drive
Status                  : online
Total files             : 0
Total files missing     : 0
Total files wrong volume: 0
Description             : SW_Preload
Serial                  : 66DE-00DA
Drive_path_if_builtin   : C:
Id                      : 108

Path used by PSE        : C:\Users\Ellis\Catalogs\PSE 7\Test
Type                    : database_relative_drive
Status                  : online
Total files             : 0
Total files missing     : 0
Total files wrong volume: 0
Description             : database relative
Serial                  : amoc:database_relative_volume
Drive_path_if_builtin   :
Id                      : 2

Windows Drives
Drive  Type             Serial     Path
C:     builtin_drive    66DE-00DA 
D:     removable_drive  0000-0000 
E:     readonly_drive   0000-0000 
G:     builtin_drive    5A63-D657 
Z:     network_drive    F2E8-85B8  \\elliskids2\john\

I don't know why it was cut off before. Hope this gets through OK.

Thanks again.


psedbtool version 1.07
Opening catalog F:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Adobe\Photoshop Elements\Catalogs\My Catalog\catalog.pse7db
Photoshop Elements version:      7
Total files               :   5397
Total files missing       :   5268
Total files offline       :      0
Total files wrong volume  :      0

****** Volumes with warnings: 1

PSE Volume Table
Path used by PSE        : F:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Adobe\Photoshop Elements\Catalogs\My Catalog
Type                    : database_relative_drive
Status                  : online
Total files             : 0
Total files missing     : 0
Total files wrong volume: 0
Description             : database relative
Serial                  : amoc:database_relative_volume
Drive_path_if_builtin   :
Id                      : 2

Path used by PSE        : F:
Type                    : builtin_drive
Status                  : online
Total files             : 5397
Total files missing     : 5268
Total files wrong volume: 0
Description             : Main Drive
Serial                  : 9C8C-9A9B
Drive_path_if_builtin   : C:
Id                      : 2393
***** WARNING *****     : Wrong drive letter in catalog

Windows Drives
Drive  Type             Serial     Path
A:     removable_drive  0000-0000 
C:     builtin_drive    D4F8-102D 
D:     readonly_drive   0000-0000 
E:     readonly_drive   0000-0000 
F:     builtin_drive    9C8C-9A9B 
G:     removable_drive  0000-0000 
H:     removable_drive  0000-0000 
I:     removable_drive  0000-0000 
J:     removable_drive  0000-0000 
K:     removable_drive  0000-0000

To test my understanding: You’ve added a new internal C drive, renaming the old one to be F.  You’ve copied all your files from F to C, and in the process reorganized some of the photo folders.

Assuming my understanding is correct, then looking at the psedbtool output, it’s clear you’ve encountered one of the several PSE 6/7 drive bugs.   It “forgot” to update in its catalog the drive letter of the drive that is now F.

Also, it appears that PSE is opening the old copy of the catalog residing on the F drive, even though I assume that the catalog folder was copied to the C drive along with everything else.  While this isn’t causing your current problems, it could confuse you down the road.

So the first step is to get your catalog onto the C drive:

1. Exit PSE, and in Windows Explorer, copy the file “catalog.pse7db” from

F:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Adobe\Photoshop Elements\Catalogs\My Catalog

to the same location on the C drive.

2. In PSE, do File %26gt; Catalog, select Catalogs Accessible By All Users, select My Catalog (listed in the box below), and then click Open.

3. Do Help %26gt; System Info to verify that the catalog location is now on the C drive.

Next, you need to change the volume serial number of the F drive to something different.  You could either reformat the F drive (losing all your data on the F drive), or better, you could do the following:

4. Download the “volumeid.exe” utility from Microsoft and place it in c:\windows\system32.

5. Start a command prompt.

6. Type the following command:

volumeid f: 9C8C-9A9C

7. Reboot.

Now when you start PSE, it should look for the photo files on the C drive.  If you’ve changed some of their locations using Windows Explorer, the File %26gt; Reconnect command should now work.

Thanks so much, John, for your patience and assistance. Yes, you do understand correctly the problem and the procedure which caused it, so I have hope that it can be fixed now. I will work on your advice over the next few days as I get a chance. I had just about decided to wipe out all the catalogs and start from scratch, which would not have been pleasant.

YES! I have my photos back and connected. Your instructions were very clear and easy to follow. Thank you so much!  (Now I just have to convince my Carbonite backup program that my F: drive is still there after changing its ID....but I don't think that will be a problem....)


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