I am looking to create an emailable version of a brochure which I currently create in InDesign. I am fairly comfortable with InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop but new to other CS4 software. What is the best way of creating a flip page ebook and which software will I need? Dreamweaver, Flash ?
Is there any ready made software out there for converting pdf's to ebooks or any sample code for creating a template?
How to create a flip page ebook from a...With your InDesign document open, go to Export under the File menu. In the dialog which appears, navigate to the location to save the new files and select SWF from the dropdown menu.?You will then be presented with a page of controls, allowing you to set the onscreen page size and other features, including ''interactive page curl'', which is the page-flipping effect.?If you have previously placed navigation buttons on the master pages of the InDesign document, those buttons will then also be active on the Flash version.
After you click ''OK'' you will see a warning about converting the Transparency Blend Space (under the Edit menu) from CMYK to RGB -- unless you remember to do it beforehand.
You'll see a blue progress bar as the new files are created -- a SWF file and an HTML file.?Presto!
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