Sunday, April 4, 2010

Encoding Clips from CS3 to embed in my...

I am a wedding videographer. Excellent editor as well.?But I don't know how to get my clips in my website to play clean.?I have a webdesigner who doesn't know my Premeir Pro so she doesn't know how I need to save the clips.?But here is the deal.?I need to know how to save a 1 minute clip to send to my webdesigner to embed in my site.?There are sooo many options in the encoder window I don't know where to begin.?She said my resolution is too low and that is why my clips play bad.?In the encoder export winddow every pulldown has way too many things to choose from.?The button on the ''format:'' settings has all these choices.?The ''range'' I can figure out.?The ''Preset'' has even more options.?I am having a hard time and found a new webdesigner but he is not familiar with PreProCS3 and doesn't know how to direct me to save the clip in a high resolution.?I am just really frustrated and would just like some one to say . . .?here is the deal : to save your clip go to media encoder, click format and select: _____?then go to ''preset'' and select:?________?go to video settings and click ______ . . . Once I get that and it is right,,,,?I can just do the same thing on all the clips I want to have my designer embed in my site.?Can anyone just tell me the basic.

Encoding Clips from CS3 to embed in my...

In my vocabulary someone claiming to be an:

Excellent editor as well.
Encoding Clips from CS3 to embed in my...

I am fowarding your response to my web designer.?Thank yor for you quick response.

FYI . . .?video editing and encoding clips and webdesign are two different specialities.?One is creative and the other is technical.?Technical - I am not.?Creative - I remain excellent.?Rethink your vocabulary - you must be technical.?That's why I reached out to the forum.?For the ''excellent'' technical people out there.

Thing is, a clip is no use if your target audience can't PLAY it on their computer

Today, as far as I know, FLASH is pretty much universal - or, maybe, MPEG-1

I have not done this, but I think PPro3 will export as FLV... but I think that then needs to go through another program to create a playable flash file

Ask your web designer about Flash

I'm not doubting your creativity, you are probably miles ahead of me, but an editor should know what and how he can deliver what he has created. The creative mind does not need to know what format is needed for webdesign, but at least know about things like Flash, WMV, and other formats, as well as resolution and framerates.

''Creative minds always have been known to survive any kind of bad training''

Anna Freud.

My designer said that I don't need to worry about the codec because he is coverting to flash.?But the footage I have in my timeline is AVI footage if that helps.?I have avi footage that I edit in Adobe PrePro.?Then I go to export / media encoder . .?. then select FORMAT:?quicktime.?Under?PRESET I don't know which to choose.?Or what I should input in basic video settings.?My designer is saying that the resolution is too low.

AVI does not mean anything. It is just a container that contains some material, like any 20' container can contain PC's, or chewing gum, or old shoes, or whatever. It is about the contents of that container.

Depending on the contents of your AVI container (check that with GSpot) your best bet may be to export to Flash directly in the resolution required, using AME. Forget about QuickTime.

You need to tell us more about your source material, sequence settings and Flash requirements.

video editing and encoding clips and webdesign are two different specialities.

geeeezzzz.?Give me a break.?I am now in the learning process of becoming technically inclined.?I used to just pay people to do that for me.?But in these times I have to learn the technical side now.?That is why I have to ask all these questions that must seem silly to those with great knowledge.?Just think.... once I get it -- I'll know it.?But until then.... I JUST NEED TO SAVE A 1 MINUTE CLIP FOR MY DESIGNER . . . IN A FORMAT THAT IS DECENT RESOLUTION AND PLAYS NORMAL . . . from Premeire Pro.

Thanks for the insight to V2F.?That looks very hopeful.?I'll pass it along.......?thank you.

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