Sunday, April 4, 2010

What is the best way to move a LR2...

I have several catalogs on different drives and I now have a much larger drive and have decided that I want to keep all of my catalogs on one drive under a folder named lightroom catellogs.

Can I simply move my .lrcat file(s) and associated preview folder(s) to the new location and expect LR2 to work properly when I open the newly moved .lrcat file??Or, are there hidden files or hard coded directory paths inside the .lrcat that would cause issues if I did this?

What is the best way to move a LR2...


I have moved the catalog files numerous times without trouble.?I would suggest that you copy the Catalog Folder and all of its contents to the new drive, without deleting the original. Make sure Lightroom is not running when you do this.?Then open Lightroom while holding down the OPTION key, and you will be presented with a pop-up allowing you to select the catalog file in the new location.?Once you select it, Lightroom should operate as before.

Then go ahead and delete the previous catalog folder.

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