Friday, March 26, 2010

Adobe Service

I have been on hold for more than 3 hours today and still am what does it take to get help from Adobe.

I have been an Adobe user for mare than 11 years - this is not acceptable - please advise.

Frustrated user

Adobe Service

BPphotographics wrote:

I have been on hold for more than 3 hours today and still am what does it take to get help from Adobe.

I have been an Adobe user for mare than 11 years - this is not acceptable - please advise.

Frustrated user

Adobe Service

I just got helped on the phone with Paulo- they do care- THANK GOD! leave your serial number and info. Alos give them information about what happened to you ie i had someone hang up on me, i suggested the outsource people immediatley give a customer id so they can be held accountable. My product is working now and thank you thank you Paulo- I also posted on illustrator on facebook, i think posting there also might give you help. The management is getting employees from different departments to help clients help- there is a light at the end- happy client once again, truthfully illustrator is the best and i hate to look for another program. Have faith you will be helped. thanks again. teresa vigil - wedding photographer in california.

I've called Adobe three times today. Twice I held for twenty minutes. Now I'm on hold for 45 minutes! How in the world can I get someone to help me activate my product??? This is aweful!!!!

Leave your name phone number and your serial- they will call. also post on facebook that helped too.

Hi there

Did you call the generic helpdesk or was it the Activation center?

Click here to view the Activation Center

Cheers... Rick

Leave it where?


Where do I leave it? Here on this discussion?

I can not get past the music to speak to someone. I am back on for more than an hour and it just plays music non stop - not sure how to deal with this.


This does not address your concern, and it is a valid one. It is also a concern for too many, in my book. Still, I have found over the decades, that there is much more good, accurate information in the product fora, than from TS. The exceptions are with registration, Activation and licensing issues, as most users do not have a lot of experience with these, and have no way to, for instance, reset your Activations.

Years ago, I had to use Customer Support for a S/N issue. Way back then, it took 5 mins. including hold-time, and the deed was done - perfectly. I was possibly lucky then, and have been fortunate to not have to try lately.

The ''open letter,'' that John mentions points out that Adobe knows that there is a problem. They seem to feel that changes are necessary. I hope that they do address the issues.

In the end, have you tried to solve your problem in the particular product forum? TS seems to have one script, ''uninstall - reinstall.''

Good luck,


I can not get past the music to speak to someone.

There's a facebook site that someone (a user) has set up... That seems to generate pretty quick results... probably because it's out there for the world to see... Don't know it offhand... but try a search here...

This is messed up.  Even government agencies are run better than that now--and they're only in business because they have a large military with guns.  Adobe has no such army, so you know what that means... it's only a matter of time unless they get their act together.

Ansury wrote:

it's only a matter of time unless they get their act together. -in-the-federal-government

I think they are heading in the same direction.

Ozzwoman9 wrote: -in-the-federal-government

I think they are heading in the same direction.

Ozzwoman9 wrote: -in-the-federal-government

I think they are heading in the same direction.

Yesterday I spent from 9 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. - mostly listening to awful music waiting to talk to someone. In the end I called a different number and finally got a person who tried to avoid the issue and strangely when I asked to speak to her supervisor she sounded like the same person. It was not a satisfactory experience and time will tell if they follow through on what they promised.

I am back on today with the same music. This may be different if Adobe had some competition.

Still frustrated

BPphotographics wrote:

Yesterday I spent from 9 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. %26lt;snipped%26gt; Still frustrated

What is the facebook link?

I just posted it.

I've been on hold today for over an hour now. I need my activation reset because of a dead mac and don't know how else to do it other than get someone on the phone from Adobe.

The facebook link is nice but I don't think it'll help me.

OMG Adobe Customer service is so HORRIBLE now since htey sold out to offshore drones that have absolutley no knowledge of the product nor do they care! It would be more cost effective to buy a round trip airfare to Portland/Seattle and search the 7 elevend for the once steller 5 star customer service people who were driven out of a job we once could be proud of! SHAME on you Adobe!

Have you tried posting on feedback?  (I know, probably a stupid suggestion.)  There's a few employee posts on that forum..

Almost every thread on that forum is a complaint about poor customer service, it's kind of scary actually.

Seriously, what has caused the decline in customer service?  Did they really just outsource their support overseas or something?

If so, epic fail.

Ansury wrote:

Seriously, what has caused the decline in customer service?  Did they really just outsource their support overseas or something?

From a purely observational standpoint, the drop in TS seemed to coincide with the big push to ''outsource'' all call-centers. May have been the issue, or maybe not.

About that time, most of the national call-centers in AZ (USA) shut down, and India became a major player. Being from AZ, it is tough to be 100% objective, and it may have been coincidental?


What is AZ?


I was having a dig at his assumption that everyone knows the US State designations.

It's the same with using ''NLE''. I happen to know by chance because I instructed in Premiere but does the rest of the universe?

And to complete the Phossieness, I used to cut and splice film too!

NLE = ?

Nearly Legible Entry?

Not Looking Elsewhere?

Never Lost on Earth?

Not Liking Ellen?

New Linguistic Editor?

Nevada Light %26amp; Electric?

Nebraska Light %26amp; Electric?

New LIving Entitiy?

Non Living Entity?

Nathan Lars Eidson?


Yup! Arizona a Satae in the southwestern Part of the USA

What's a Satae?

I think it's a side dish served with pad thai.

PjonesCET wrote:


Amazing!  This thread has deteriorated in content to the same level as Adobe's customer service.

No wait, I think it needs a few silly pics first before it gets that low.

I think it needs a few silly pics first before it gets that low.

To make it easier to get help with activation questions, we’ve recently added a new service where customers can choose to chat live with an Adobe customer service agent to activate their product. This is available from Monday to Friday between 6am – 2pm Pacific time.

To chat with an agent, visit our online Support Portal at

Once you have signed in with your Adobe ID, go to the “Serial Number” tab and select “Activation”. Click on “Proceed to online form”, and then the chat invite will show up on the next page if an agent is available.

Alternatively, you can go to the Activation Phone number page at

If an agent is available for live chat, you’ll see a pop-up invitation for chat appear shortly after you land on that page.

Could it be a Typo? I'm sure you don't make them.

Lol, last time I pointed out one of yours you went back a corrected it before everyone else saw it

And I was only poking fun because Arizona was already mentioned before you posted, just think you need to take a few seconds to read/re-read before you post

And I don't make one in every sentence I type. FYI...there is the little red dotted line that appears whenever I make a typo, which is an indicator, and then I go and correct it before I make the post. Not sure if Sea Monkey supports/views it, but since it works with everything else I would assume it does.

If you type in the HTML editor no underline or anything shows up.

Usually, I have been switching to plain text editor and running my browser's spell check.

But it was a one line post and I thought I had spelled everything correctly.

See Mozilla Browsers spell check don't work in html. They work in Plain text only.

Now the text written in subject  can be checked with built in spell check. But not what's in the text box unless your in Plain Text Editor.

Excuse me children, did you notice a serious post in there from Ms Nguyen about Adobe Service?

Yes! Its about time!

PJ, why are you using the html editor?

Because I like the ability to add Bold, Italic, underline, as necessary. Also If I want to insert  an image, or quote I can in HTML editor. but not in plain Text.


Plain Text:

HTML Editor:

BTW The spell Check built in to the HTML editor don't work worth 2 cents when it does try to work. And once you engage it you can't get out of it.

Ah. I think you might be a bit mixed up. The default reply box looks like this - if you want to use html you click the link over on the right. I thought that's what you were doing.

Kath-H wrote:

Ah. I think you might be a bit mixed up. The default reply box looks like this - if you want to use html you click the link over on the right. I thought that's what you were doing.

PjonesCET wrote:

Notice below I made a deliberate mistake in the word editor.

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