Monday, March 22, 2010

Developing a secure desktop sharing...

Hi all,

I am developing a remote support tool like TeamViewer, using AIR.

So far I managed to implement chat, file sharing etc. However, could not find any API in Adobe AIR to provide Screen Sharing or Remote Support. Can anyone suggest any techniques to achieve the same in Adobe AIR?

Many thanks!

Developing a secure desktop sharing...

Adobe AIR does not support access to the screen outside of the running AIR application. So, although you could use the BitmapData.draw() method to capture the pixels in the AIR application itself, there is no way to access the pixels outside of the application.

Developing a secure desktop sharing...

Hi Jeff,

Thanks a bunch for replying.

So, is there any other way like say bundling AIR with some third-party API to achieve 'remote-access' ?

I am developing an online-meeting kinda app which requires me to share my screen with the other participants and vice-versa.

Any pointers?



I just came across an article discussing how to use Flash Media Server to create a basic IM application with Adobe AIR.聽 It then mentions audio/video streaming communication - it might be a possible route to take, I haven't really looked in to it at all.

Looking at the capabilities of the Flash Media Server itself might shed more light on the issue.聽 I believe it would require the AIR app to be built using Flex though.


Actually the IM and all are already coded. Iam not able to create the remote desktop feature only using AIR since AIR doesnot support native calls to the OS.

Which is a big hinderance to creating such an application it seems. However companies like DImdim and Webex ask you to install a plugin to screen share.

I wonder how that plugin works , can anyone shed light on how do I get it working as DimDim and Webex.


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