Friday, March 26, 2010

Expanding text boxes to multiple pages

I have a dynamic form with expanding text boxes that I originally designed on one page.?As I put in the needed items it was clear to have it fit I would need to go to a second page to have everything needed.?When it is the first page alone the preview pdf works properly automaticallly moving the overflow to the next page.?When the second page is inserted to finsih the form the areas not fitting on the first page when typed into the preview fall off into space and you can no longer see them.?I've treid moving around the heirarchy and have not figured it out.?Does anyone know hoi to fix this??Is it possible to have a 2 page dynamic form that expands?

Expanding text boxes to multiple pages

Can you post the real form so we can have a?look?


Expanding text boxes to multiple pages

Here's the form, thank you for your help Paul, you always help us find the answers we need..

Sorry I have been on vacation and in Europe for a week so I was not able to get to this before I left.

The root subform (Page level) must be set to flowed if you want it to act the way you want. When doing that you can ignore the need to add the 2nd page and allow the product to break the page where it is needed. I modified your form so it would do this. Note that there is no Page 2 and I added some additional subforms to break up different parts of the form (Headers and unnamed subforms). It is good practice to name your subforms and if you do any code that was added may need to be adjusted to take into account these additional structural changes.

Please find attached the modifed sample.


Thanks Paul, I always know I'll get the answer I need when you pick up the discussion thread!?I hope you had a great time in Europe, a well deserved rest from all of us with endless questions.

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