Monday, March 22, 2010

Linking image to a div

Hi everyone,

I have two divs side by side. In the left div is a list of items. When the user clicks on an item I would like the image to appear in the right div. Is this possible with Spry? I don't have a lot of programming experience and I was hoping Dreamweaver had a command or widget for this.

Thanks for your help.

Linking image to a div

Dreamweaver will help you with this. All you need is an XML or HTML source file. On the page that shows the data, create a Spry Data Set selecting the Master/Detail option and you are home and hosed.

For an example see .

I hope this helps.


Linking image to a div

Thanks so much for your help. That worked for me. It was a little bit of a challenge figuring out how to do the html data source, but I got it.

Thanks again

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