Monday, March 22, 2010

RoboHelp changes file name to lowercase

I am using RH X5.0.2 (running on Win XP SP2) to import HTML files as topics. The primary layout is Microsoft HTML Help.

The original HTML file names are mixed case, but when the files are imported into RoboHelp, the file names are changed to all lowercase. For example, GL_Audit.htm is changed to gl_audit.htm. This is an issue because the topic title reflects the file name, and I need the topic title to retain the mixed case of the original files.

After I import the file, I have to manually change the topic title. However, RoboHelp does not like it when the title has an underscore. If I change gl_audit to GL_Audit and click OK, the change is not saved. But if I change gl_audit to GLAudit and click Apply, and then change it to GL_Audit, the change is saved.

I am using an existing project that was created by someone else a long time ago. Here are the steps that I am following:

1. Right-click the destination folder, and then click Import.

2. At the Import File screen, select the desired file, for example, GL_Audit.htm, and click Open. The file is imported as a topic.

3. Right-click the topic, and click Properties. Note that the Topic Tile is gl_audit, and the file name is gl_audit.htm.

4. In the Topic Title field, type GL_Audit, and click OK. Note that the Topic title is still gl_audit, and not GL_Audit.

5. Open the Topic Properties screen again.

6. In the Topic Title field, type GLAudit, and click Apply.

7. In the Topic Title field, enter an underscore between the L and the A so that the topic title is GL_Audit.

8. Click OK. Not that the topic title is saved as it was typed -- in mixed case.

If I can get RH to import the files without changing the original case, it will not matter that it takes two steps to change the topic title name.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


RoboHelp changes file name to lowercase

Ashley, can you please zip up one of these topics and attach to a post so that we might see the topic before importing? Then we could import ourselves to see what happens on our end?

Cheers... Rick

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RoboHelp changes file name to lowercase

Hi again

Ashley, how are these HTML pages being created? I ask because I performed a small test. While the import process did indeed convert the file name to all lower case, it ignored the Topic Title. However, if I didn't have a Topic Title defined, it did create one that was all lower case.

I'm thinking that whatever tool that was used to create the topics you are importing didn't properly configure a proper Title Tag.

Cheers... Rick

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Hi Rick,

You are correct. I just checked one of the files, and there is no title tag. When I added a title tag with the correct case, RH took the topic title from the title tag instead of the file name. I'll have to check with the developers -- it's some sort of automated process, so I'm not sure if there is anything that can be done about it. I may have to resign myself to manually changing all of the titles. Thanks for your help. I appreciate your the time聽 you took looking into it. Same goes for you Peter; thanks very much.


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